Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Three moles

Standing in front of mirror I discovered...
Three moles on my face.
Do not know since when they have been here.
Do they make me look more beautiful?
Do not know. But they do remind me of my childhood...
I must have been in class four or five
When I used to fancy this guy.
On the fateful day of the school fest
I dressed up in my best
Standing in front of the mirror then
I knew something needs to be done
To impress him.
I peeped into my mom's make up kit
Taking out her surma bottle
Imprinted moles on my face
First on the right of my chin
Then on the left
And not impressed, they all were wiped.
But I did managed to impress him that fateful day
With my skills at burn-10-candles-with-a-match game
Though I did not win
But he did sponsor my next play
And I lost again!
And today when I saw these moles
Engraved permanently on my face
None of them anywhere near my chin
And with Nadim gone long long ago
They do make me smile

Saturday, May 14, 2011


you said you were listening to my every word,

whereas it was my silence which needed an understanding...

the fall and then rise of my breath...

the smell of my skin...

the floating stares...

the whirl in the cheek's pool...

the dancing adam's apple...

the unshaven face...

the dried lips...

the fallen hair on the forehead...

the tapping of my feet...

the stroke of my hands...

...were you really listening??